
News > What should I do when pressing the remote control, but can’t open the gate?

What should I do when pressing the remote control, but can’t open the gate?

Edor | 2021/11/01

In our daily life, we will choose the remote control gate opener according to our needs. Some times, if we don’t use app control to open the gate, remote control is only controlled by the remote control. If there is problem during opening, you have to open it manually. So if the gate cannot be opened by remote control, it means that there may be a problem with your automatic gate system. How to correctly solve these problems?

remote control gate opener

When the battery is put into the remote control, if there is still no response from the gate motor. It means that the signal between the remote control and the gate opening transmitter is interrupted. It is necessary to check whether the antenna of the opener has excessive debris accumulation, and check whether the antenna is damaged. If the antenna is damaged, you need to call the local technicians, who will carry out reasonable repairs according to the situation.



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